Cultural InterENS 2017

In Lyon from March 31st to April 2nd!


Each year, students from the five French and Transalpine ENS (Cachan, Ker-Lann, Lyon, Pisa, Ulm) gather during a weekend for a fabulous artistic contest! Theatre, music, dance, fine, graphic and visual arts, improvisation and much more! Imagination is your only limit!

Groupe de musique aux InterQ 2012
Image des InterQ 2012

Creativity and talent combine to give rise to an exuberant cultural hub. Indeed, the InterQ (for those in the know) is one of the few opportunities including the sport and gaming InterENS for the students from these schools to meet together through parties, barbecue and shared meals! So don't forget to come in your best mood to champion your school!

Join an Open Project

You can't wait to the InterQ? You have plenty of ideas for activities? Join one of the open projects described in the "open-project form" below.

Form of open projects

Practical Informations

The ENS de Lyon is located in the district of Gerland (7th arrondissement).
The Descartes campus – where activities will take place – is located 15 parvis René Descartes, at the corner of the avenue Jean Jaurès and the avenue Debourg. The Monod campus – where participants will be accommodated – is located 46 allée d'Italie, between the Place des Pavillons and the Halle Tony Garnier.

To come at the ENS de Lyon:

  • by subway: line B direction Gare d'Oullins, until the Debourg station;
  • by tramway: line T1 direction Debourg, stop ENS Lyon (for the Monod site) stop Debourg (for Descartes);
  • by bus from Perrache: line C 22, 96, stop ENS Lyon (for the Monod site).

For accommodated participants, don't forget to bring your duvet, a floor mat and warm clothes.


For participants from the ENS de Lyon :

- full pass : étudiant €32 / fonctionnaire €36
- for days only : étudiant €14 / fonctionnaire €16
- for parties only : étudiant €18 / fonctionnaire €20

For participants from the ENS of Cachan, Ker-Lann, Pisa and Ulm : one pass €40.